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Let’s clarify the concept of tantra!

Tantra deals with the energy systems of our being and penetrates directly to the center of consciousness. It emphasizes the creative aspect of consciousness -Shakti -and follows that creative aspect back to its source. That consciousness is known as Tripura. The schools of Right-handed Tantra, a purely internal form of Tantra whose sole goal is spiritual liberation or enlightenment. It deals with the higher energy centers, up to the energy center at the top of the head, the crown chakra. Mantras, yantras, pranayamas, meditation, plus a healthy dash of devotion, are the tools of choice for right-hand Tantrikas. True right-hand Tantra is not easily accessible, as it calls for a high level of sublimation and yogic practice. 

The left-handed path of Tantra is Vama Marg. This is a non-orthodox path, there is no distinction between pure and impure. A variety of special rituals is not attractive or accessible to common people, as it may appear to be against the accepted norms or ethics of society. Kaula Tantra – the left-handed school of Tantra – focuses its practice on the Muladhara chakra, the first chakra, at the base of the spine. The Kaula Tantra practices are training to have control over the lower desires and physical needs of the body. The energy of the kundalini awakening is considered the divine feminine force. The ritual named “Panchamakara” emphasizes using wine, meat, fish, parched grain, and intimate intercourse (Maithuna) for transcendence. Out of all other ritual practices, the intimate union ritual is unfortunately well known and famous with the word Tantra today. It is important to state the fact that tantric intimate practice is part of left-hand Kaula practice only. 

Intimate practices of Tantra are also known as Red Tantra as a subset of left-hand Tantra. All these practitioners strive to attain siddhis or spiritual powers by all possible means, they even dare to take practices of any kind, including forbidden ones. If a practitioner utilizes his/her Siddhi or power for negative or wrong purposes, they are called black magic or Black Tantra. The use of such power for wrong purposes is called forbidden practice because it is against the law of nature.

Neotantra emerged in the 20th century and has become very popular, especially in the Western world, where it is usually just referred to as Tantra, instead of Neotantra or Modern Tantra. Neotantra is usually associated with newly-born spiritual movements. Neotantra is the Tantra philosophy adapted by the West, which displaced the original concept of Tantra as it is known in India, China, and Tibet. Its goal is to help people in their personal growth through physical, emotional, intimacy, psychological, and spiritual development. By practicing it, you can access greater freedom and inner love. Even though Neotantra is the contemporary and Western way of conceiving Tantra, it is essential to specify that not every component of Indian Tantric traditions and practices is utilized in Neotantra, specifically, the dependence on a Guru.

Benefits of Tantra Massage Therapy

The responsibilities and obligations of everyday life can make us feel heavy physically, mentally, and emotionally and overburdened generally. We become disconnected from a deeper aspect of ourselves and lose faith and joy. The luster and miracle of being alive diminish greatly. Every human being has blockages these days. Blockages can be physical, energetic, emotional, mental, intimate, or psychosomatic, and the root cause can vary depending on the individual. 

Tantric massage is a hands-on practice that differs from traditional massage because it incorporates the tantric essence of shakti, also known as energy. This form of massage works to remove blockages modern folks face. 

This is an ancient technique that is believed to have originated from the Hindu tradition. The Tantra massage aims to wake up the intimate energy and transform it into the heart.

A tantra massage touches the physical body of the receiver and at the same time interacts with the energetic structure as well. You might feel your whole body vibrating and charged, sensations of heat rising through the spine, or waves of energy moving through your body. A tantra massage can have the effect of unblocking energies and making it flow more freely, which results in feeling more free and alive. However, this massage is not only about stroking the body but is an extremely intimate experience that helps in understanding each other on a deeper level.

Conscious touch is the language of the heart and through touch, it becomes easy to connect with ourselves. Being touched with love communicates secretly from heart to heart, you feel accepted for who you are and you can relax all the tensions that normally prevent you from feeling yourself.

When our heart awakens it takes us out of the mind, we enter the vast open space of our heart. This experience opens us to love, heals our broken hearts, and helps us to overcome fears of loving or being loved. An authentic tantric massage is all about exploring your partner’s body through touch. It is a slow and sensual journey towards self-discovery and ultimate satisfaction. 

Benefits of Transmutation and Tantric Alchemy

Energy transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your personal energy into a ‘higher’ purpose. By understanding and harnessing the power of energy transmutation, we can improve our spiritual, mental, physical, and social well-being. 

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but it can be transmuted into a different form, which can help you tap into more of your potential. 

In the context of personal growth, this refers to the transformation of negative or stagnant energy into positive, constructive energy. This process is essential for spiritual growth, as it involves using inner energy as a positive force by allowing it to cleanse blockages and release stored pain.

When it comes to personal energy transmutation, goal setting plays a pivotal role. It involves identifying your aspirations and objectives in different areas of life. Having well-defined objectives helps channel your root energy into productive outlets that are aligned with your desires, motivating you to take consistent action toward their achievement.

Tantric masters – both ancient and modern – use the personal root energy to spiritualize their body, mind, emotions, and consciousness. When repurposed in this way, root energy can act like a rocket ship, propelling you forward in your evolution exponentially fast. Many couples use root energy to heal problems that exist in their relationship and to elevate their relationship dynamic to the next level. They did this by channeling their root energy in a specific way and also by practicing tantric alchemy for the greater good of their partnership.

Energy cannot be destroyed. In the case of men, when seeds are retained, it is absorbed back into the body to nourish the higher energy centers – chakras-, the nervous system, and the brain. While undertaking the process of transmuting your root energy, it is highly recommended to complement it with the practice of daily meditation and yoga.